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One year on

Martin Last at the HFMA helm

It is now a year since I took on my role as Director General of the HFMA. A role which provides its own challenges but that I am thoroughly enjoying. I have been involved with the HFMA for most of my 30-year career in the Health Food Industry and have been a company member of HFMA, on Council, a Vice Chair, and a Chair, so to be able to lead this organisation is a real honour.

The HFMA is the voice of our industry because it manages the various issues that our industry faces and remains the interaction with many of the UK Government bodies including the MHRA, ASA, FSA, and other UK industry bodies, plus other trade associations, membership, and the wider industry, which gives the HFMA continual insight and ability to influence the agenda.

In addition to my Director General role for HFMA, I continue to represent the HFMA as Vice President of our sister European organisation, the EHPM. This influence then extends into the EU, and I also chair some important groups in Brussels on regulatory, quality and technical matters, on vigilance, probiotics and Novel Foods, and play an active role on the EHPM Board.

Beyond this the EHPM have links to FoodDrinkEurope and Internationally with IADSA, the International Alliance of Dietary Supplement Associations, which not only provides valuable international perspectives but also interacts with CODEX and brings us full circle to the UK’s position in the global market. Interaction with all these wider groups enables us to influence and keep ahead of the numerous industry issues that affect us all, not just here in the UK, but also with a wider perspective.

The HFMA continues to be proactive in all the issues that affect our industry, and we always listen to our members so that their issues are addressed and managed. Some of these issues regularly undergo changes and others have longer term impact that require monitoring. So, whether it is the application of the new Windsor framework, health claims, CBD, regulatory labelling updates, maximum levels, sustainability and more, we ensure we can fully inform our members on these developments.

A lot has happened in this first year and I am looking forward to keeping you updated on all developments and thank you for your ongoing support of the HFMA. I sincerely thank all the staff and associates to the HFMA for their hard work, and positive efforts.

If you would like to know more about the benefits of membership to your company, simply visit our website to learn more, or contact me directly at [email protected].

Martin Last
HFMA Director General

For more information about the work of the HFMA and membership:

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