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I like your manifesto – let’s put it to the testo*

Alan McGrath
National Organiser, Health Stores Ireland

The supermarket lurks for the product you championed…

We might as well just accept it – we are here to be used as stepping stones to greatness and there’s nothing we can do about it.


Honesty, respect and self-awareness are key parts of the journey for a brand that reaches for the stars. Far too often, independent health food stores feel used as market testers or incubators for a concept or product. Retailers shouldn’t be surprised and shouldn’t feel victimised.

A few months’ success at a farmer’s market and independent retail is usually a stepping stone. Once the store owner and team are sold on the benefits, it’s a chance for the product developer to see their brand or product alone in the world, fending for itself, albeit with a watchful eye from caring and dedicated enthusiasts.

Can it end there and sustain itself? The surprising answer is that “yes it can” – but only in a John Seymour sustainable acre format where the market limitations are met and understood by all parties. A kind of communist manifesto, one that is no longer fashionable.

So, as we all accept that we now live in a success-driven free market capitalist society, the next stepping stone won’t be far off the thoughts of any brand or producers – and this is where it gets tricky – for brand builders.

Not showing any understanding or sensitivity to a local champion retailer by driving it into the nearest supermarket to them is a straight red card from most self-respecting independents. Simply reaching out to supermarkets in other geographical areas doesn’t demonstrate much understanding or planning and a burgeoning brand risks being shown the door by specialist independents in that area.

Taking the leap forward to a keen distributor will be attractive but won’t come without cost. Going in this direction, but carefully choosing a distributor who knows and understands the specialist market, laying down some acceptable ground rules for distribution and taking on the heavy lifting around consumer awareness, is a proven route.

There are many case studies for success, and it doesn’t have to end there for the brand. Building out a brand via specialist distributors, with the agreed next stepping stone ready to drop in, can be the expansion model that doesn’t have to make itself felt as pain or rejection by the early adopters. Independent retail partners can still feel part of the process and should have had enough time to build a loyal customer base who choose to purchase from them, regardless of its availability elsewhere.

The key to a successful brand partnership/relationship is honesty and timing. It’s not difficult and it means you will make good friends and loyal supporters along the way. They may send you on the route towards greatness and riches on your own with their blessing, or they may even decide to retain a stake in your success and continue as a partner with benefits. You’ve got a brand then you must have a growth strategy, and you should be willing to share it with your partners.

* Song lyric by Sultans of Ping

Health Stores Ireland is the professional trade association representing more than 110 independent health stores in Ireland. Visit, Facebook @HealthStoresIreland

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